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Can't Foster?....Here is how you can help!

Can’t foster? ...........Here’s how you can help!!!

Gracious Heart hosts many programs to assist our foster youth. Each of our programs assist our youth with their mental and physical health. We support the creation of effective coping skills and emotional health.

Please review our current programs which require financial assistance:

Specialized Health Care Program
Our Specialized Care Program allows our agency to assist youth with autism, asthma,
diabetes, mental health challenges, and other medical needs. Our registered nurse visits youth in
this program on a weekly basis and assists families with understanding and implementation of
treatments. These families often need additional assistance with medical equipment, furnishings and training's to help them meet the needs of these children with specialized needs. 


Emergency Clothing Closet
Our Emergency Clothing Closet allows us to provide clothing to youth who come to our
agency with little to no clothing, ripped or worn clothing, or clothing which is too small. this program may be new, however, we have been able to provide clothing to our newly placed children and with help, we will be able to increase that number in 2021. 


C.A.R.E (Creating Avenues & Raising Expectations) Program
Our C.A.R.E. Program allows us to assist prospective and established resource parents
with the costs that come with obtaining and maintaining certification. Our assistance is put
towards resource parents’ Livescan (fingerprinting) services, CPR certification, securing new beds and bedding for foster youth, and items required for the family's emergency disaster kits.



**The above mentioned programs are in need of financial assistance in order to serve as many children as we can and to obtain the resources and services needed to provide for well rounded and beneficial programs.**


Monetary donations can be made in 3 ways:
By clicking the “donate” button at the top of this page,

By sending a check made out to Gracious Heart Resource Family Agency to our address

2781 W. Ramsey St. Suite 7, Banning, CA 92220 (951) 344-5240


By visiting us! We love to meet and get to know those who support us!

*All monetary donors will receive a donation receipt for the amount of their donation for their

tax purposes.*



Physical donations (clothing, toys, hygiene products, etc.) can be made by contacting the agency supervisor: Lia Andrews, she can be reached at:    (951) 344-5240 or


*When donating physical items, for sanitary purposes, please only donate new items. We appreciate your donation and understanding.*

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