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Traditional Foster Care

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The goal for all youth in foster care is to provide them a stable and supportive family environment for them to thrive.  This may be either short- or long-term placement with aim of them moving into permanency with their parents or relatives.  There are times when youth are unable to be reunited with their family of origin and the resource family may be eligible for legal guardianship or adoption.  Ensuring the youth in our care receives physical, emotional, educational, and mental health care that is specific to them.


Our foster care program provides a whole-family approach to fostering, in that our youth are fully immersed in the resource family environment. Our families provide safe homes and healing environments to the youth in our care throughout their time in foster care. Our Resource Parents become advocates for youth in their homes and are active members of the Child and Family Team. They specifically advocate for the needs of the youth in their care in the areas of education, mental health, physical health, and all other needs the youth may have. The Resource Parents are instrumental in collaborating with the assigned social workers to provide reunification services to the family, through coordinating and supervising family visitation and ensuring the youth are properly cared for while they are in foster care.   


The Gracious Heart RFA continuously works with community partners to make certain youth in our care make positive memorable experiences, which will help build their self-esteem and resilience.  These events include attending professional sporting events, trips to theme parks and participation in summer and sports camps. These experiences are important to provide the youth in our homes a sense of normalcy, during their time in foster care.

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